Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We don't sleep good at night but we sure can nap with the best of them!

Paul and I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights, I guess our bodies are just getting us ready for when baby comes! Last night for the first time in two years of marriage I was burning up during the night and Paul was wrapped up and chilly... I'm not sure what has gotten into us except maybe the hormones! We both toss and turn, me because my back aches and Paul because some big whale keeps rolling over on him during the night. However we have gotten some wonderfully refreshing naptimes during the day. When I woke up from my mid day nap today (in my defense I got up at 5:30 am for an appointment) this is what I saw in the living room (see above picture). I'm thinking Malachi enjoys the naptimes too.... I hope he doesn't have too rude an awakening when his naps are disturbed by a baby cry!

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