Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Decisions to make

As I finish my bowl of frosted mini wheats (yum!) this morning, I'm researching and thinking about a major parenting decision we have encountered.

At currently 37 weeks, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday.... much was learned. Baby Peter and I are still doing very well physically. No blood pressure or any other issues. His heart rate was 167 and he's super active so all the signs are that he is very healthy. (I have to say though that whenever we get in the car, Peter goes nuts! I'm apparently going to have the only baby that doesn't fall asleep in the car). I've gained too much weight but I haven't actually gained any in the last week so that's good because I almost fell off the scale last weekend when I saw the number! My swelling is pretty bad but since my blood pressure is still great there's no worries there. Aside from the basic stuff the new things we learned were....

I am currently not dilated at all (boo!) but 70% effaced (yay!). I was really hoping to hear that I was farther along than that since I've been having some sort of regular contractions for weeks but no...

Also, I learned that I have a happy baby.... so happy in fact that he has decided he's not leaving.... and it's not that he's just staying around, he is staying as far away from the exit as he can get. Peter is still breech with his head right under my rib cage. He's also not engaged at all. Dr. Golden did an internal exam, ultrasound, and felt my stomach with his hands, so I feel really confident about the baby's current state.

Which brings us to the decision....

The chances of the baby turning now are not very good since I'm so far along so if I go into labor anytime in the next three weeks (or have to be scheduled after three weeks), odds are... c-section. I've read that you can try and have a vaginal birth with a breech baby but it's complicated and I am unwilling to put either one of us through that. A c-section is not the end of the world and since I, myself, made my grand entrance via this method, I don't have any harsh feelings toward it. However I've asked around a lot and all things being equal I'd like to do this the traditional way. So the only way that can happen is if the baby turns. The doctor has suggested that we try ECV (external cephalic version). I didn't really know a lot about it but I asked him a bunch of questions and have researched the mess out of it on the internet. My biggest hang-up now is that I don't actually know anyone that's had it done (anybody?). The procedure will be scheduled for tomorrow so Paul and I have until noon today to decide if we want to try it (though I bet I can change my mind between now and then too). The doctor says we are a good candidate (and I trust his judgment very much), baby is in plenty of fluid and not engaged, but the success rate is only 60%. There are not a lot of great risks (much less than the risks of a c-section and the biggest risk is you deliver early which is FINE with me), and if it works, I'll probably (though not definitely) be able to deliver vaginally. So about every five minutes I change my mind about what I want to do... first I think I don't want the procedure, I'll just wait and have a c-section if I need it.... then I think, no no, I don't really lose anything by at least trying and I gain a lot if it works... then I think, it's not worth trying... then I think it is... then I think it's not... then I think it is.... I don't know! And I've tried to get other people to just decide for me, but to no avail. I asked Dr Golden which I should do but he says they are both good options, it just depends on what I want. Then I asked my mom who refused to say which I should do. Then Paul says it's my stomach they are pressing around on so it's really up to me. Then I call my mother-in-law (I thought the point of having a mother-in-law was so she could run your life, push her opinions on you. and make your decisions for you), but NO, she listened but didn't have an opinion for us. (side note: my mother-in-law is amazing!!) So we've prayed for wisdom and are just continuing to think. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately depending on how you look at it) there is no wrong answer here, I could do either and feel good about it. Or I could do either and wish I had done the other... oh no...

But now my mini wheats are gone and I need to get up from the computer cause my feet are puffy again.... still don't know what to do...


  1. Oh sweetie-- you have to do what is best for you. After he comes you'll have no regrets- no matter what you decide because you will have the most precious gift in your arms!!
    It is easier to recover from a v/birth from what I understand from those who have experienced both types of delivery. So there's my 2 cents!
    (BTW-- awesome brownie points for the in-law compliments! and the best part is I know you are sincere! Praying for ya'll!

  2. All 4 of ours were delivered via c-section. Even when melinda went into labor with joseph, she never dialated much at all. Have no regrets, though recovery takes a lot longer. You don't realize how often you use your abdominal muscles, or how limited you are once they've been cut and stitched back together. No one mentioned that part before hand... Though with joseph there wasn't a whole lot of time to discuss pros and cons (or much of a choice, really).

  3. Im sorry baby hasnt decided to turn! I know of quite a few women who had vag deliveries with a breech baby, but I know there is a risk. The thing about c-sections you have to consider is how many babies you want to have because more than likely, all subsequent babies will be c-sections (due to most doc's not wanting to do VBACs) and reopening that scar over and over again can be risky, too. I would try the version and just see if it works! I've heard it can be painful, but it's worth a shot! Praying for you. :)
