Monday, June 21, 2010

Paul says I'm halfway to getting my boy scout fishing badge

My parents were in town this weekend and we had a wonderful time! We got a lot of work done in the nursery... though painting is still the big job that needs to be done. If I can get the camcorder to cooperate I will post pictures/video of Paul and Daddy putting up the baby's crib! Until then though, here are some pictures of us fishing on Yates Lake. It's not a stocked lake so I don't think many people fish on it, but there's also apparently no pressure so we had a pretty good evening. I got three fish and they were all a different species. I have caught other kinds before and Paul says you need to catch five different ones to get your badge so I almost did it in one day!

Here's my stripe which I caught on my second cast! Daddy fussed saying he was ready for us to start catching fish that fast... I can't help it, I'm that good!

Here's my skinny bass!

Here's Paul and I with the perch we caught at the exact same time!

Here's what I spend most of the time doing... I mean, if I didn't take a break the others would never have a chance to catch any!

Paul also caught a bass!

Oh, yeah.... Daddy caught some too!

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