Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's a.... baby!

We had THE ultrasound today at our prenatal visit! This is me waiting in to go in. If I look uncomfortable it's because I have to go the bathroom really bad, but you need a full bladder for the ultrasound. I definitely have a baby bump now and am having to choose my clothes very carefully. The ultrasound technician was great and she explained everything about what we could see on the baby. Everything is the right size and in the right place which was our prayer for this visit! She says though she can't guarantee anything at this point, it looks like we have a healthy baby. I was so thrilled to hear that, I felt like jumping off the table and praising the Lord for his handiwork with our beautiful baby! For those of you who are freaking out wanting to know the baby's gender... I don't know yet! The photographic proof is sealed up in an envelope waiting to be opened on Saturday when the grandparents, great-grands, aunts, uncles, and cousins have assembled to hear the news. Until then we are waiting and reveling in our healthy baby and all his/her beautiful photos. Here are some of the best and what you are looking at:

Baby has two arms and two legs and bone measurements rule out drawfism and giantism.

Aunt Manthy says that these face pictures are creepy looking. I think it's because you can only see the baby's eye sockets and not it's actual eyes, though it does have them!

How adorable is that!?
All ten fingers are accounted for and though the toes are very small, we're pretty sure all ten are there.

The leg of a champion athlete!

Which way to the gun show?

"hm, this thumb would make a good thing to suck"

In other news, I have now gained five pounds so I'm doing good and can eat pretty freely and all my stuff looks good. The baby's heart rate was 159 and like I said, everything on baby looks great. We didn't have a picture of it but a zoomed in scan of the heart shows each chamber beating perfectly! Who could ask for a better birthday present!?

Stay tuned for new house news to hopefully come in the next few days!

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