Peter peepeed in the potty today!
Everyday he reaches new milestones. He is saying so many new words and has recently become fascinated with the potty. He points out our potty and his potty all the time and has sat on his potty several times. Today though when I got him up from his morning nap he had completely shed his cloth diaper in the crib. Since the crib and diaper weren't wet I knew he would need to go. He sat there and sat there but did nothing. I stood him up and turned him around and there went the pee pee. He didn't even get any on the floor! I jumped around and cheered and he was so proud of him self. "Peter pee pee in potty" over and over again. Then he got a "potty treat" (a mini reese cup). I doubt we are at the end of diapers any time soon but hopefully he will keep up the good work. He likes being a "big boy".
In big people news, Paul and I have begun training for a 5k. On September 3 we are running in the color run with Poppy and Mantny. I sure hope it's cooler by then.
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