Saturday, July 14, 2012

Big boy pants!

For the past few days Peter hasn't really had any wet diapers.  He just holds it until I take his diaper off so he can go potty.  So I started researching my options for what is next and I came across these...

Pull ups are expensive and cloth training pants are very pricey and I wasn't really sure what Peter would like and need so I didn't want to put a lot of money (that we don't have) into it.  I really just wanted something that he could pull up and down and wouldn't make a huge mess if he had an accident. 

We have cloth diapered since Peter was 6 months old so I felt pretty confident that I could pull this off.

Here we are starting out...

First pair looked okay.  I did a little adjusting since Peter is so small.

Next two looked better.  Ignore the crazy skipped stiches.  My machine gets the job done but it's not the nicest one and gets messed up easily. 

He wore them for a few hours today and seemed to like them.  I still had to help him a little with the getting up and down.  He is also completly freaked out by having them around his ankles so he has to step out of them each time.  We will see where it goes from here!

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