Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Pain has Moved... well... South

According to the doctor on Monday things are moving... slowly... but moving. Peter is still head down and at a -2 station. For those of you who have no idea how/why my baby ended up somewhere negative, it just means that he hasn't dropped all the way down into my pelvis yet. I'm one centimeter dilated, though the doctor said he was being generous with that number. (For some fun you should find a ruler and see what a centimeter actually is. Its like basically nothing) My belly is measuring 39 weeks though so hopefully that means something good. (I was technically 37w 6d that day). I'm definitely feeling different too. My contractions are stronger, though still not regular, and I'm in a good bit more pain than I have been. And the pain is much "lower" than before. Again hopefully that means things are getting ready for baby and that hope helps me handle the pain much better. Plus I sleep a lot... like... a lot

1 comment:

  1. Sleep while you can and enjoy it! It also passes the time, huh?
