me is so different than it was just a few weeks ago. His movements are
very different now and I am continuously entertained by them. I used
to feel more kicks and jabs and it was a little hard for me to
pinpoint for someone trying to feel from the outside. Now though he
has definitely run out of room because I feel more rolls and twists. A
lot of the time I can feel his foot/knee/elbow/hand drag from one side
of my stomach to the other, top and bottom. You can see it from the
outside too!
Unfortunately I'm also having some Braxton hicks contractions too...
Not so entertaining! They mostly pass without discomfort, I only
notice them because my belly gets really hard. A couple have been a
little intense but I am hoping this means the process is getting
started and he won't be hanging around any EXTRA time. We are still
desperately praying he doesn't make an appearence before this Friday
when youth camp ends, and I don't think that's going to happen. Ooooh
there he goes again rolling himself around. I have to be careful
because when he really gets going it makes me want to laugh, not
because it tickles but because I am just so delighted with him and his
acrobatics. That might seem like a silly reaction but sometime I
really bust out lauging just to feel him twisting around. Maybe some
other moms remember feeling that way too and I'm not that crazy but it
is just amazing to me how the whole deal works. What a smart God to
plan it so that you fall in love with the creature who will put you
through so much once it arrives! I think I may be wrapped around that
itty bitty pinky already!