Week 12 arrives tomorrow! I'm already feeling much better. I am no longer living under a cloud of queasiness all the time which is very nice. I'm not as tired as I was but I'm battling my typical preschool cold so that's drained me a little. I'm also trying to be super careful about what medicines I take. Though I am allowed to take sudafed I am definitely limiting my doses. Plus the sudafed really hasn't made me feel that much better yet. Wiping runny noses all day sure does have it's downfalls!
My mommy is coming to town this week! And I am really looking forward to spending some time with her. We are also hopefully going to go see an ultrasound of lemon. I'm still not technically showing, but I can definitely feel a difference in my stomach. My lower abdomen is hard and sticking out a little and I can't suck in my chubby tummy anymore! It's definitely making the clothing situation difficult. I'll be so glad for warm weather cause I have a lot of stuff for this summer. I'll be very glad when I am actually looking pregnant and not like I ate a big lunch!
In house news we are moving forward with our loan and just waiting for a couple things on the house to be brought up to FHA standards. So here's praying we get in by the end of February. It you've got any furniture you are looking to get rid of... let us know! Right now moving is the next big thing on our list so it's kind of hard to spend all my time daydreaming about lemon because my head is too full of other things. The baby can hear now though so we are trying to remember to talk to him/her and tell him/her we love him/her everyday. Okay so I might want to find out the gender just to make these posts easier!
On Sunday I spoke at church for sanctity of life and was reminded of one of my most favorite verses and one I am holding onto now:
"For you created my inmost parts, You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14